Experimental Photography



My work has always explored the movement of the body, the shapes it creates and how we react to this exploration. Emotions are complex and confusing, and unfortunately something that we all feel on a daily basis. From my personal experience, people lie and hide those feelings by changing their body language and facial expressions, taking away our ability to understand what they are hiding. When I was a child, I always thought about how the world would be if I could see what everyone was feeling, a little box over their head with neon writing to help me.

I have never been good at reading people. When I found studio photography, blank walls, bright lights, an empty canvas for me to build upon. I knew that I could do anything there. I started editing my photos to include bright colours and streams of light, but why could I not do this with my lights? I began to look into the links between colours and emotions and how they provoke the viewer when the model is showing something different. My intention is to make you ask yourself why. Why is she angry but she is surrounded by yellow, when that means she would be happy? Always ask yourself why.


Red Like Roses

(Woeful Part 1)

Women have always been judged for having periods and some men would see a period as ‘dirty’ despite it being the reason why they are in the world. A woman’s cycle allows us to bear children, which is something I have never understood when thinking about men being sexist- They all came from a woman. A powerful woman grew them from scratch, pushed them into the world through sweat, tears- and blood, red blood. How could someone shame a woman when you came from one, married on, or made one?

Red is the colour of anger. Men have kept women out of powerful positions as they are apparently too ‘unstable’ and emotional to be able to do the job appropriately.


Additional photographs with experimental elements